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audiolab’s new 9000 Series represents a new standard in home audio for the connoisseur. With CD still being a ‘go to’ medium for many audiophiles, the 9000CDT is a premium...
Nestled between the 6000 and 9000, the 7000 fuses premium traits into a pricing category that follows the mantra of class-leading performance. Outwardly resembling the sequential series and therefore offering...
The 6000CDT is a dedicated CD transport incorporating the same slot-loading mechanism as audiolab’s flagship CD player, the 8300CD. Extremely robust and reliable, it uses a read-ahead digital buffer to...
The 8300CD demonstrates a level of fine detail, transparency, soundstage depth, dynamic range and musical flow across all sources. It is both an exceptional CD player and a top-class external...
To this specification the new 8300CDQ adds high-quality analogue preamp circuitry, coupled to three stereo pairs of line-level RCA inputs to connect analogue sources. The preamp circuitry is kept as...